2007-11-28 17:39:39 UTC
I am looking at some Visual C++ code and I am amazed at the number of
proprietary extensions to C++ that I am seeing. I even wonder if this
is the same language! I understand the need to have a graphics
library, but I don't see the rationale for tcin, tcout, tcerr,
tstring, _T, __int64, _tcscmp, _tcschr, _tcslen etc. The list could
go on and on. Does anyone know the background for all this? What was
the need to reinvent the wheel?
@@@@@ Does anyone know of a tool (e.g. perl script) that can clean up
the VisualC++ **** and convert it to ANSI C++ code? @@@@@
@@@@@ Will MSFT succeed in bulldozing everybody and getting these
proprietary extensions rolled into the proposed standard? @@@@@
proprietary extensions to C++ that I am seeing. I even wonder if this
is the same language! I understand the need to have a graphics
library, but I don't see the rationale for tcin, tcout, tcerr,
tstring, _T, __int64, _tcscmp, _tcschr, _tcslen etc. The list could
go on and on. Does anyone know the background for all this? What was
the need to reinvent the wheel?
@@@@@ Does anyone know of a tool (e.g. perl script) that can clean up
the VisualC++ **** and convert it to ANSI C++ code? @@@@@
@@@@@ Will MSFT succeed in bulldozing everybody and getting these
proprietary extensions rolled into the proposed standard? @@@@@